
Prenda Del Alma (1929)

Written by: Ignacio M. Valle

O: Margarita de la Vega y Paco Tortulero 1 november 1929 RCA Victor

C: Guty y Chalin  november 1929 Colombia

Read "The Originals" about this song

There are a lot of people who sing "Prenda del Alma" but it is difficult to get information about the song.
And even the year of the recordings are difficult to find.

Here some recordings. I think the recordings of Chalino Sanchez and Antonio Aquilar are from the late 50's or 60's.

1929 - Guty Y Chalín - Prenda Del Alma 50sec sample
1950's - Ray Y Lupita - Prenda Del Alma
1951 - Los Alegres De Teran - Prenda Del Alma
1987 - Los Lobos - Prenda Del Alma
1995 - Chalino Sanchez Y Cornelio Reyna - Prenda Del Alma
1997 - Beppie Kraft - De Nach is Nog Zoe Laank
2001 - Los Pinguinos Del Norte - Prenda Del Alma
2003 - Antonio Aguilar - Prenda Del Alma
2003 - Flaco Jimenez - Prenda Del Alma
2003 - Pinchitos Caliente - Prenda Del Alma

You can hear them here:

Here some recordings from 1951/1952.

If you know recordingdates, let me know please.

3 opmerkingen:

Joop zei

Prachtig gedaan Roel,

Zeer waarschijnlijk dat María de la Vega en Paco Tortolero de OR hebben.
Want Ignacio M Valle schreef wel meer numers voor hun:


Joop groet

Joop zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
Anoniem zei

Chalino Sánchez murió en 1992 no pudo grabar Prenda del alma en 1995