
A Ram Sam Sam 1971

O: Rolf Harris 1971 on Columbia.

Read "The Originals" about this song

"A Ram Sam Sam" is a popular children's song and game which originated in Morocco. But others say North Africa. So it can be Egypt also.
In a lot of countries it is also a children song with native language. For instance Germany and and Brazil.
Thanks to a Dutch entertainer everone connects this song now to Pizza's an Fastfood.

I have searched for recordings of the song and i found the oldest recording by Rolf Harris in 1971.
Maybe there are older recordings. If you know, tell me.
This recording has nothing to do with food. Listen to the lyrics in the song by Rolf Harris. There is something to learn.

In 1981 the Tom Tom´s Club used a sample in Wordy Rappinghood.
But in 2001 Dutch Entertainer Erik Dikeb made the song `Pizzahahaha`, based upon the song `A Ram Sam Sam` It was was sung in Dutch. The song was bubbling under and not in the Dutch charts. In 2002 Dikeb recorded it again with "de Deurzakkers" for an "Apres Ski" album. This recording charted at # 51 in Holland.
From this moment the song was mostly connected with fastfood and most people are forgotten that it was a children song. 2003 DJ Ötzi charted in Germany, Austria and Switzerland with the song named "Burger Dance".
The same year reached the "Fast Food Rockers" # 2 in the UK charts with the "Fast Food Song".

Below there is a link where you can get more recordings.

Recordings i found
1971 - Rolf Harris - A Ram Sam Sam
1981 - Tom Tom Club - Wordy Rappinghood
2001 - Eric Dikeb - Pizza Ha Ha
2002 - De Deurzakkers feat. Eric Dikeb - Pizzahaha 2002
2002 - Dynamite feat Robsnob - De Pizza Dans
2003 - Chicks on Speed - Wordy Rappinghood
2003 - Dj Ötzi - Burger Dance
2003 - Fast Food Rockers - Fast Food Song
2005 - Palavra Cantada - Ua Tatá E Aram Sam Sam
2009 - Donikkl Und Die Weißwürschtl - Aram Sam Sam
2010 - Simone Sommerland feat. Karsten Glück - Aramsamsam
2011 - Gracey - A Ram Sam Sam

And there is also a Russian recording. Discoteka Avariya in 2010.

I would like it to hear more songs

Here the lyrics of the song of Rolf Harris.

A Ram Sam Sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam

Harabi, Harabi,
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam
Harabi, Harabi,
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam

A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam
A ram sam sam, a ram sam sam
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam

Harabi, Harabi,
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam
Harabi, Harabi,
Hari gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam

Wooooooooo Woooooo oooh yeah
gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam
Wooooooooo Woooooo oooh yeah
gooli gooli gooli gooli ram sam sam

A ram sam summertime and sing with us a song,
about the brotherhood of everybody underneath the sun
If you come sam summertime and sing with us a song,
Understanding one another can be fun fun fun.
Try to learn the other fella's language,
Talk the other fella's tounge,
Sing the other fella's folk songs,
Learn about the way the other man lives

Learn about the worlds religions,
See how they compare with yours,
Learn about the worlds wild creatures,
Learn about the way the other man lives X5
Try to learn the other fella's language,
Talk the other fella's tounge,
Sing the other fella's folk songs,
Learn about the way the other man lives

5 opmerkingen:

Joop zei

Mooi Roel zit ook op Blogger.

Er moeten idd toch wel oudere versies zijn dan Rolf Harris,
maar bedankt voor de voorlopig oudste.

Heeft wel ween beetje weg van deze Scouts-song.


Joop groet

SnowyBowie zei

Ik weet nog niet of ik hier blijf Joop

Joop zei

Ik vind Blogger tot nu toe het fijnst werken en heeft het grootste bereik.
Maar ik hoop natuurlijk op de uit zijn as herrijzende PhoenixMultiply.

Joop groet

Anton zei

Ik blijf je volgen Roel. A Ram Sam Sam was heel leuk. Groet, Anton.

zephyr zei

Thank you SnowyBowie I have never heard Rolf singing this song before.
Thanks again
Kat from Multiply